Saturday, September 25, 2004

Saturday Morning it's been quite a while since my last entry and hopefully I'll begin posting on a much more regular bais as to not disappoint any of my disciples who wander onto this site looking for mirth and inspiration.

Autumn has officially arrived and one can certainly feel a change in the air. The days are getting noticeably shorter and it's nice finally being able to turn off the air condition and throw open the windows. Of course since this is Norfolk, we still have an occasional uncomfortably hot and humid day that seems to come out of nowhere. But at any rate, autumn has long been my favourite season of the year and I can foresee the traditional trip to the mountains in the not too distant future. The mountains of Virginia are beautiful at any season of the year, though the vistas in the fall are much more breathtaking with the mountains and valleys afire with shades of red and yellow foliage.

Speaking of trips, I've been giving serious thought as to where I want to go for my December and January holidays. Though a return trip to South America is tempting, I've eliminated that from the list, at least for now. London is always a possibility, but I'm not sure about visiting there during the winter. Besides, a trip to London can be a spur of the moment, extended weekend sort of thing. So my choices now are the American Southwest and, on a little more ambitious scale, Thailand, neither of which I've visited. Depending on how the logistics of it all work out, I may attempt both with two weeks in Thailand coming in December and a week in the Southwest in early January. So today I'll mostly likely sally forth to Barnes and Noble to peruse various travel guides for both destinations.

Off to get more coffee and formally start my day.

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