Saturday, February 12, 2005

Saturday Afternoon

Perhaps to atone for my wicked ways (see previous post) or because I had nothing better to do, this morning I prepared lunch for my parental units. As I don't visit them as often as I probably should, they were quite surprised to see me stride through their door, unannounced and bearing containers of food. As I'm still on my Thai cuisine kick, I made some exotic dishes for them to try. But not too exotic. They are old, after all, and very set in their ways. If I were to set something before them too exotic, too strange, they would pray for me at church tomorrow.

So I've just now returned home and am wondering what to do with the rest of the day. I have a mound of research and homework to do, but I'm not quite in the mood for that. Perhaps after the coffee kicks in I'll feel more like being studious. Or perhaps I should tackle cleaning/organizing my study/storage room. The latter is probably the more pressing issue as I have much research hidden somewhere among the piles of papers and empty Starbucks cups on my desk.


Wanting said...

...just rest.....

Me said...

That's too funny! I call my in-laws "the parentals"! So funny!

I have found that I work better at a cluttered desk, I like working on 2 or 3 things at the same time, thus my desk has that "worked at" look.