Monday, October 24, 2005

Monday PM

The dinner party last night was a success which is somewhat more significant considering that I tried out a new entrée recipe. I never like using untested recipes for social events as you really aren’t quite sure how things will actually turn out. But I took a chance and it paid off. Cooking for seven was a bit of work, but I nonetheless enjoy such endeavors. I’ll take a weekend off from the dinner events then start thinking about something for the week following.

A steady cold, wind-blown rain has fallen since late this morning. Perfect night to curl up under a blanket and read. Off to do just that.

1 comment:

Wanting said...

MAYBE you should start giving out these recipes...thank you for missing me, Norm.

Why don't you come over to can post, and it gets quite interesting. I know several who would love a few recipes (altho I dont do anything with fish, unless its fried catfish, or sushi)