Thursday, December 01, 2005

Thursday PM

Just home from the office and relaxing with the usual cup of coffee and cigarette or three. It’s been a rather eventful work week with my assistant starting on Monday followed by the implementation of a few long overdue procedural changes. So at the moment things are rather unsettled around the office as everyone adapts to a new way of doing things as well as the revamped organizational structure. Adjustment takes longer for some than others and most are coming around as expected save for the Gang of Four. They’ve dug in their collective heels and are actively (and might I add vocally) resisting, so they will take a little more time. So this week has required much communication and team-building and patience with these four (and admittedly perhaps a little “divide and conquer”) and I suspect that by next week they’ll be back into the fold save for the One. At this point things will become umm… fun. Out comes the policy manual, off come the gloves. Hopefully it won’t come to this as I greatly prefer resolution via diplomatic consensus building juxtaposed to more forceful, and usually messy, means.


Hard to believe that it’s the first of December. Vacation starts in 18 days and I have a lot to do between now and then. The semester will be over on Tuesday which will free up some time to knock out some things here at home and begin planning trip preparations. Looking forward to the break though as I haven’t taken an official day off from work since mid-April and I am rather burned out at present.

Off to the university now to work on an experiment, the write up and presentation for which is due on Tuesday. Thus far, it’s been rather unsuccessful, but that’s science for you. Just hope I have enough data to make it all worthwhile. Otherwise, I’m screwed. So totally, royally screwed.

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