Monday, July 24, 2006

Home Again

Arrived in Norfolk slightly ahead of schedule last night after mostly uneventful flights. Departing Miami was a little more interesting than usual due to the pilot having to thread a series of thunderstorms. We experienced a little more turbulence than usual, but it wasn't constant and certainly nothing overly alarming. The view from the plane, however, was breathtaking. The clouds shortly before sunset appeared as a terrian of sorts, with valleys and hills and mesas and towering mountains of thunderheads in the distance, all in various shades of white and gray and when the sun was able to shine through, pink and yellow. Occasionally there were flashes of lightning in the distant storm clouds.

The eight hour layover in Miami wasn't all that tedious between reading, people watching, and wandering around the airport. Though I had a book with me (Pathologies of Power: Health, Human Rights, and the New War on the Poor by Paul Famer) I opted for lighter fare and acquired Dan Brown's Angels and Demons at one of the airport bookshops which I subsequently began reading once I found a quiet place. Of course, finding a quiet place at the Miami airport took some effort, but it was worth it as I was able to enjoy the book with a minimum of distraction.

I'm glad I had the foresight to take today off from work. I'm not physically tired from the trip, but my mind needs the break. It was an insanely busy two weeks and having a day to mentally decompress will make the return to work tomorrow a productive one. Had I worked, I would most likely have spent the day staring blankly at the computer screen and reliving the experinces of trip. to run a few errands. It's good to be home.

1 comment:

Wanting said...

Welcome home...glad your trip was good...