Monday, September 05, 2005

Laborless Day Activities

It has been a good day with little on the agenda other than relaxing and more or less just doing nothing that requires real work. What better way to celebrate Labor Day, eh? Of course this doesn't mean that I haven't been productive. There are a number of activities that always require attention, though the pace of their accomplishment today was much more leisurely.

I finally caught up on my email correspondence whilst having coffee early this morning. I hate getting behind in this, but with my busy schedule sometimes its simply impossible to sit down and hammer out a thoughtful response within an acceptable time frame. And there was several emails from more than two weeks ago that had gone unanswered. Ugh. I must do better with this.

Perhaps even more rewarding that catching up old friends was the time spent this morning reading/studying Buddhism followed by sitting meditation. Not having anywhere in particular to go or anything pressing to do, I was able to focus a little longer on this than ususal and the result was a strong sense of peace and renewal. This has long been an important part of my life to which one day I'll perhaps have to devote a post or two. I'm certainly not religious in any sense, but I do believe that certain applied aspects of Buddhist philosophy can have a positive impact on ones life.

In keeping with the Laborless Day theme of low-impact activities, I walked down to the local video store (a whole block away!) and acquired a few DVDs that I will likely watch tonight, among which is Alexander. I've heard from a variety of friends that this movie sucks, but we'll see. For a period back in the liberal arts undergraduate years, I became quite interested in Greek history and devoted some time to studying Alexander the Great, so if nothing else, the film's subject matter may be of interest even if the movie is less than inspirational.

Rounding out today's activities was lunch at Colley Cantina followed by a stop at Starbucks on the half-block walk home. I ran into a couple old friends at the Cantina that I haven't seen in ages and it was good catching up. And no, Kim, I did NOT have any margaritas with lunch, though the temptation was certainly there.

And still no word on deployment to the Gulf Coast other than some time late this week. Waiting, waiting, waiting.


Wanting said...

Alexander could have been better...some of the battle scenes were cool, especially with the elephant...very impressive.

That's ok, Norm, I haven't had one today, either...

Ng3 said...

You're right, Kim. Alexander could have been better. I was pronounced dead at least twice during the viewing and awoke each time asking "is it over yet???"

My suggestions for improvement would be 1. A new lead actor and/or 2. never make the movie to begin with. Too long, too much ground to cover, and dodgy acting. The story line had potential though. Ever a fascinating character, Alexander.

The elephant battle scenes were cool though.... reminded me a lot of Return of the King.

Wanting said...

imagine sitting in the theater...

Ng3 said...

Sounds very painful.