Thursday, September 08, 2005

Thursday PM

I am really out of it this evening. I went out with some coworkers for an early drink and dinner right after we left the office and unfortunately had to leave the festivities early (pretty much before they even began) due to the onset of a migraine. This one was rough, very rough. Perhaps the most severe of the ones I've had over the last week or so. None of my precription meds would touch it so as I result I suffered through several long hours. The attack is over, but the residual soreness remains.

The odd thing about tonight's migraine attack was that it was of a different character than what I'm accustomed to. The pain was still focused behind my right eye, though the afffected area seemed to ecompass that entire side of my head. This had me worried for a bit and as soon as I was able I did some online reserach on stroke warning signs....just in case. Certainly I don't think there's any cause for alarm, but the attack nonetheless brought to mind a number of unhealthy behavours on my part that could lead to such unpleasantness (e.g., smoking, too much coffee, etc). Will have to give some serious thought as to modificaiton of such behaviours.

In other news, two people in my department were activated to head down to the Gulf Coast on Saturday. I was not among them, but as the wheels are finally turning, it shouldn't be long now. But just in case the process is as slow as it has been, I haven't cancelled plans to guest lecture at the university next week. With my luck I'll get paged right when I'm handing out the lecture notes on the first day.

In other, other news, I've just about finalized the winter holiday travel schedule. Despite the very strong desire to go back to Thailand over the Xmas holiday, I'm going to opt to visit Honduras. Haven't been there yet and I've heard that the Christmas holiday there is something to see, or hear actually. Incessant fireworks on Dec. 24th. Hopefully the spat of migraines will be over by then.

I'll be visiting an old friend who retired to Honduras back in 1998. One of the reasons for going there over Christmas is to assist him with his "Santa Rounds." On Dec. 24th he loads up his truck with assorted gifts, toys, and candy, throws on a Santa hat and heads into the poorest parts of his city to distribute the presents to kids who otherwise may not get anything. It's fairly involved endeavour and distribution takes nearly all day. But it's a wonderful tradition he's started and I'm looking foward to taking part.

So flights will be booked this week. And the much anticipated return to Thailand? Well...that's February. :-)


Wanting said...

wow...I'm lucky if I get to the next town over (well, not really...'cause it's small and has no redeeming qualities). Just remember...more pictures..

Ng3 said...

OK...ok....I'll start posting more pics from my trips. And maybe a few more of the Jeep....once I get bigger tires. :-)