Saturday, May 09, 2009

Saturday blurb

Been up for about an hour and am working my way through the third cup of coffee. Not much on the day's agenda other than some assorted chores (laundry...yay!) and such. There is a pronounced need to go to the office to do some things today, but for once I don't see that happening. I've worked the last few Saturdays and want this one to be my own.

The need to claim today as my own is symbolic of a much larger issue going on in my life. My traditional iron discipline has slipped and I feel as though I'm letting things control me and not the other way around as it should be. This has been vexing me for quite some time and it has finally gotten to the point that I have to say no more. So beginning today I'm putting into effect a more vigorous attempt at being in control of my hours, my days, my ultimate destiny.

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