Thursday, November 16, 2006

Form vs. Substance

It has been quite some time since I last posted anything of substance. I've been curiously reflective lately, though a worn journal book and favorite pen has been the medium of choice instead of the blog. Just in one of those moods I guess. There's nothing of any real consequence going on, it's just that I've been more inclined towards the processual creativity of putting pen to paper. Something deeply comforting about this and personal in ways beyond the mechanical limitations of a keyboard.


Wanting said... will you be famous thru your memoirs someday? A famous scientist that helped cure AIDS or the West Nile virus. Unfortunately, those usually get published after that person dies...made even MORE famous and in demand when they die in some strange or mysterious way...

sorry...a bit morbid there.

Ng3 said...

No need to apologize. A bit morbid, yeah, but what a way to go out: expiring in your small research station deep in the jugle of God-knows-what. Reminds me of the story of an early Yellow Fever researcher: "Hmm...I'm going to let this mosquito bite me and see what happens."

Ng3 said...

...which reminds me: I've recently been asked to go on a humanitarian mission to Congo next summer. More on this later. :-)