Wednesday, November 24, 2004

The Root of all Evil

Just now back from a visit to the dentist who was kind enough to administer my first-ever root canal. The procedure wasn't nearly as bad as everyone claims it to be, the drilling and filing notwithstanding. It seems that there's a considerable amount of misconception floating around about root canals. I told several people about the procedure when it was scheduled last week and the common reaction was whimpering and falling to the floor into the fetal position. Not something that inspires confidence, particularly with those like myself who are highly allergic to pain. So I went in there this morning with visions of the Bill Murray/Steve Martin root canal scene from the 1980s movie "Little Shop of Horrors." But all my anxiety was for naught as the worst part of the whole thing was that Wicked Contrivance they use to lever the mouth open for an ungodly period of time. So one more visit to the dentist next week and it will be over with for another six months.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i hear u dude. i hate the going to the dentist. how the hell do they tolerate looking at people's nasty mouths day in and day out:) i would rather id a mosquito and look at the brilliant colours of their scales.