Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Wading Into The Fray

Only on the rarest of occasions do I delve into the political world on here, yet like most of us I do keep up with current events and have strong opinions about this or that. If I had to place myself along the political spectrum, ranging from far right to its antithesis on the left, I would certainly rank closer to the latter end, though my exact placement would shift a few notches here or there depending on the particular issue. Even with this issue-specific variation, I am still overall well within the liberal (or should I say “progressive?“) camp. Some of my friends joke that I’m a New England liberal living a little further south than the rest of them. A Howard Dean with a Tidewater Virginia accent.

It’s difficult watching the news these days. From my perspective (and you are certainly free to disagree here), the United States has left its path and is wandering about in the moral and political wilderness, coming ever closer to a dangerous precipice beyond which there will be no easy return. We’ve become an international bully and the world (rightly so) hates us for it. The revelation of domestic spying is met with minimal outcry. The national debt exceeds the age of the Universe for having the most zeros in a number. Our leaders have set themselves above the rule of law. Our inept (and probably illegal) wars in the Middle East. Torture and human rights violations. Disagreeing with the President is synonymous with aiding the enemy. Greed. Corruption. Dick Cheney shoots an old man in the face. The list goes on ad infinitum. There are times when I am ashamed to be an American. My patriotism is on life support and it’s in danger of coding.

Now, before the Gestapo…err… Secret Service breaks down my door and hauls me off to languish the rest of my days in some prison, or a bunch of louts on here fill my inbox with vituperative missives, I want to add that I do not hate America. I dislike the path we’re on, what we have become. There is a fundamental difference here that the more insightful readers (most likely Democrats) will readily ascertain. America is a land of great promise and opportunity for those willing to work to achieve their dreams. We are (or at least were) a beacon of freedom and liberty, a model system for other countries to emulate (if they choose to do so under their own volition) and a haven for those oppressed the world over. With our immeasurable wealth we have the innate capacity to provide essential services for all those within our borders who are in need. I see the potential of America being a land of freedom and liberty, not fear and suspicion. A land of responsibility and humility, not arrogance and corruption. Compassion, not greed. And it is in these ideals I place my hope during these dark and misguided days.

We as a country can do much better, both domestically and internationally. Can the Democrats do better as they claim? I certainly hope this is the case and honestly don’t see where they could possibly do any worse than Bush & Co. My concern is that by the time there is a change in Washington (and I’m pretty certain there will be given the trend of poll numbers), the downward spiral will have continued to the point of no easy return. If such is the case, it will require some difficult choices to once again regain our path and that is the true test of patriotism.

1 comment:

Wanting said...

I agree with you on a lot...I was thinking the other day about what the guys back in the 1700's came over here for...and why the revolution started...seems like nowadays no one cares for anyone other than themselves.

I think journalists who's job is to report all the badness in the world are just hungry vampires..people are getting too high and mighty...we ARE becoming bullies, yet when someone hurts our own here (child killers and someone who wipes out a family for the car, robberies that destroy others...any and all of those with no morals...we don't punish them. They get away with it), we do nothing. We sue for STUPID reasons, hate people for their color and sexual orientation...makes me sad.