Friday, March 04, 2005

Before and After

So another workweek comes to a welcome end. I'm looking forward to the weekend and there's absolutely nothing on the agenda but reading and working on the research. This will be THE weekend for knocking out the part of the thesis with which I've been dragging my heels.

The transformation of my study from "catch-all room" to a working study is all but complete and the metamorphosis is truly remarkable. It doesn't even look like the same room. In addition to a few extra lamps, I procured a plain six-foot table for additional workspace. So essentially I have two work areas in here now: when you come through the door the computer table is to the right and on the opposite wall is my lab space: plain table with microscope and various implements and a bookcase for handy storage of the taxonomic guides for the species on which I'm working. It feels right, feels comfortable in here and very conducive for research. I'm very motivated now and should be able to finish up a couple of the long-term research projects and pump out a few scientific publications.

So here are the promised before and after images of my study.

After Posted by Hello

1 comment:

Wanting said...


...hmmm...that didn't sound good, did it?