Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Conquering the Habit: Day 2

I have been smoke-free for about 28 hours now.

Only once today have I really fiended for a cigarette and that was this morning soon after I arrived at the office. My ever-helpful secretary, Medusa, offered me one of her cigarettes, but I declined the offer and the urge soon passed. Smoking crossed my mind a few other times today, but each time it did, I rushed off to get a cup of ice as a substitue of sorts. By the time I devoured the ice thoughts of the Habit had passed and my mouth was well...frozen. This conversation occurred at one point today:

Lab assistant: How's the no-smoking thing going?

Me: So far so good. The ice trick seems to be working. The only problem is that my mouth is as cold as my heart.

Intern: But you have no heart, sir.

Me: Well this is true, isn't it. Then it is as cold as my soul.

Assistant Mangar: You don't have one of those either.

Me. Dammit!

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