Saturday, February 05, 2005

Early to bed, early to rise....

One would think that if you're up reading well into the wee hours of the morning on a weekend, one would actually make an attempt to sleep in. That's how it should work anyway.

But not for me.

I'm such a creature of habit sometimes. This is particularly true when starting my day. Regardless of whatever time I ultimately go to bed, I still get up early, earlier than most would consider normal and the need to get up early is fueled by my internal clock and personal choice. For whatever reason I absolutely hate to sleep in. Occasionally I will indulge and stay in bed until 7, but anything beyond that is an exceedingly rare event. Even at that hour, it feels as though so much of the day has been lost and that's a feeling I absolutely detest.

Guess it all boils down to being a morning person.

1 comment:

Wanting said...

ewww...early morning person...altho I admit, I'd rather go in early and get out early...otherwise it feels like the day is wasted...