Saturday, December 31, 2005

Weekend in Copan

Due to an early morning bout with...ummm.....gastro-intestinal distress, I opted not to go with the gang to Lago e Yojoa, the largest natural lake in Honduas which is about a three hour drive or so from Copan. The distance seemed too far, too remote for someone suffering from such a stomach malady. So off the group went this morning, leaving me here in Copan to recover. No matter, really, as I'm enjoying the additional time to myself. I took care of a load of laundry this morning and went for a walk around town once the stomach issues cleared, which they soon did. So here I sit now at the nearby Internet cafe wondering where to go for lunch. Most likely it will be Carnitas, which is were I've had most of my meals in Copan.

So it will be a lazy afternoon of reading, penning a few lines in my travel journal, wandering around Copan and probably a nap at some point. The latter will be important as it's going to be a very late night. Some friends here are planning their own New Years celebration thing, complete with fireworks at midnight and I've been invited. This is way past my bedtime and I hope I can stay awake long enough to partake in the festivities.

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