Saturday, March 14, 2009

Rainy Afternoon

A cold and dreary morning has given way to a cold and rainy afternoon. From time to time the clanky old steam radiator hisses to life, drowning out the patter of the rain striking the windows and the leaves of the ancient magnolia just outside my study window. I have just now finished the weekend's laundry chores and the temptation is great to take full advantage of the weather by napping an hour or so before I get moving with the evening's cook-a-thon. Not sure what the specific dish will be; I do have on hand some beef and vegetables and a bottle of red to spur on the creative process.

After a bit of a lull in the reading, I've gotten back into it full bore this week and am continuing to churn my way through Don Quixote. The book is an absolutle delight, though I'm looking foward to finishing it and getting back to something a little more substantial in terms of current issues that have captured my attention. now to read/nap. Perhaps more later tonight.

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