Sunday, March 08, 2009

Sunny Sunday

I tumbled out of bed this morning at the typical early hour (though one hour later due to the daylight saving time thingie) and launched immediately into the morning's productivity, the hope being to get laundry and other sundry chores out of the way so as to have time suffficent for taking advantage of the sunny 80 degree weather. Laundry will be done in about half an hour or thereabouts, after which I'll make some decisions as to how best to employ the day. It's going to be important to make such a decision early and then get a move on with it; otherwise, I will fall into ennui and end up just wandering about the apartment, accompanied by much sighing and forlorn looks out the window (the cabin fever thing of which I wrote a few posts ago).

As for today, I'm trying to motivate myself for a photo expedition of some sort, which I have not done in quite some time. While I'm somewhat indifferent towards this endeavor (at least for the moment) it would nonetheless get me out of the apartment for a while. One of my greatest failings is locking myself away in here and not leaving once over the course of the weekend. This is a habit I really need to break. So at any rate, off to wrap up laundry and then devise some means of taking advantage of the day.

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