Friday, July 22, 2005

Decompression Time

I can't recall whether I've ever been this glad to see the arrival of a weekend. Not that I have anything special planned, mind you (nothing on the agenda other than thesis work, laundry, and chores); it's just that the break from work is most welcome and, more importantly, terribly needed. I've come home from the office late each night this week and have been too emotionally drained to do anything of consequence beyond a little reading.

Unfortunately, I'll be heading into the office for a few hours in the morning to work on some strategic planning. Some of this won't be popular with the staff, but such is life. I'm not paid to be everyone's friend; I'm there to achieve the mission and goals of the organization. I suspect the only problem I'll have will be with two or three old-timers who always resist change and whose mantra is "we've done it this way for 20 years, why do we have to change now!" Of course this sentiment vexes me to no end and those miscreants will vex me further by pouting, calling in sick on critical days, and dragging their feet on projects. But given the ultimate consequences of such action, they eventually come around. And perhaps they'll even see the merit of change.

I've been in public service my entire working life and I've often wondered how workplace change is received/effected in the private sector. I suspect it's better received as profit is typically the ultimate goal and if one doesn't change with the times, you simply lose out.

Ah well....enough rambling for one evening. Off to socialize and decompress from the long, long week.

1 comment:

Wanting said...

my first weekend off in a month...and I'm going to enjoy it. Hope yours is very relaxing..