Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Such a geek

Just in from the parasitology lab course and am enjyoing a cup of coffee before going over the presentations for tomorrow. No matter how many times I've give such lectures, I still get nervous. Guess this is just natural. And I have noticed that the more frequently I do this sort of thing the more comfortable it becomes.

Lab was fun tonight. We were experimenting with slide mounting techniques, specifically preparing slides of protozoans that live in termite guts and digest the wood that termites eat. This involved dissecting termites (not really as hard as it sounds, but it does take a steady hand) then prepping and mounting their guts on a slide. The interesting thing is that the protozoans are still alive and at 40x magnification you can see them moving. Several different species too, but alas, we didn't have time to key them out. So maybe I'll do that this weekend if I get bored and stuff.

Certainly having a geek moment this evening.


Wanting said...

HEY! I'm a geek...I love that stuff...it's cool...AND interesting. Just wish I was smarter so I could do something with it...

Ng3 said...

Well....It's not really a matter of "being smarter" or not. It all comes down to persistence.

Wanting said...

...um...does crying in the math lab count as persistence?

Ng3 said...

Of course it does. Crying in a math lab is simply an expectation of the whole learning experience.

Wanting said...

funny, it didn't feel like that to me...