Thursday, September 22, 2005

Weekend Host

I came home early from the office to begin tidying up the apartment for weekend guests coming in town tonight. The big challenge was coverting the study back to some semblance of a guest bedroom. This was a chore, but everything is now prepared for their arrival (or at least it's ready as it's going to get), so it's just a matter of waiting to make the respective trips to the airport. My old roommate, also a private pilot, is flying himself in around eight-thirty and an old friend from the U.K. will be in around ten. So two trips to the airport this evening.

Complicating the weekends festivities is the pesky little contrivance called the "emergency pager." It's my week on the duty rotation and this means staying relatively close to home (no road trips this time around) and very limited alcohol consumption. Should be a nice weekend though as it will be good catching up with a couple old friends. Two more victims..errr....people to torment with a long slide show of my Thailand trip.

**checking batteries in laser pointer**

**evil laugh**

1 comment:

Wanting said...

you ARE going to cook, right? And something I've always wanted to say to the ex when hisa pager went of...(pardon the language....

"throw that fucking thing away..."