Tuesday, December 14, 2004

The Lost World

Who needs to travel to exotic places when you can have an anthropological adventure right in your own home? One of the projects accomplished this morning was tidying up the bedroom. Not all that difficult of a task save for under the bed where I discovered many things once lost, forgotten, stored, or any combination thereof. I felt a bit like Howard Carter probably did in 1922 when peering into the tomb of King Tutankhamen for the first time. Except for the fact that he probably encountered less dust.

Among the items discovered this morning were:
1. Two broken coat hangers
2. Several cat toys (They're not for me, I swear!)
3. Old pair of dress shoes.
4. A folded National Geographic map of the West Indies
5. One white sock (If I could only find it's match)
6. Autographed Howard Dean campaign pamphlet (which I got in December of 2003 when I saw him speak in Norfolk)
7. Jeep Gear catalog (2004 issue)
8. Blue Micron .20mm journaling pen (This was missing for several weeks)
9. 43 cents in loose change

Also discovered amid the mound of dust and debris were several books:
1. Population, Species, and Evolution by Ernst Mayr.
2. Being Peace by Thich Nhat Hanh.
3. Kim by Rudyard Kipling; and lastly:
4. Lillian Too's 168 Feng Shui Ways to Declutter Your Home (hmmm)

So what does all this say about me? First of all, it's obvious that I believe in the principle "out of sight, out of mind." It also says that I need to pay a little more attention to cleaning the hard to reach areas or hire a housekeeper. I also need to develop a better system of storage. But these are superficial things. On a deeper, more personal level what else can we infer from the evidence? I'm going to let you, my reader(s) take a stab at this one. So based on the above discoveries and what you may have inferred from reading this blog, try to make a few logical assumptions about me and/or my life in general.

I won't take off points for wrong answers, but I will hunt you down.


_ said...

hmmmm...journaling pen....that sounds intriguing. no, really, it does...all my pens bust out.

i'd hate to see what MY mess says about me. most of it is crap i have yet to throw away.

Wanting said...

hmmmm...I knew you were smart by the way you write...which is why I keep coming back...(and I'm pretty sure smarter than me)...I shudder to think what's hiding in certain areas of my house, altho I'd really appreciate it if my cat would give up my keys....I KNOW she's put them somewhere....she's been caught several times with them (in her mouth...!). Sorry...I know...it's NOT all about me, is it....